Monday, October 19, 2015

Burung Jepun / Japan's Birds

Saya bekerja sebagai freelance/part time penterjemah Jepun-Melayu-English.

Pada tahun 2012, saya dapat satu kerja terjemahan dengan Perodua, selama 6 bulan di Osaka, Jepun

Ini antara beberapa gambar yg mula2 saya ambik.

(In 2012/2013, I was in Japan for translation/interpretation jobs for 6 month in Osaka. These are some pictures I took during the beginning I was there)

Hampir setiap hari / hujung minggu saya akan berjalan2 bawak kamera dan ambik gambar sekeliling
tempat kerja atau asrama.
Kebetulan masa tu tengah 'feeling2' DSLR. Tapi saya belum ada lagi kamera DSLR.
Saya guna kamera 'compact' Olympus SP72oUZ dengan 30x zoom.Walaupun kualiti tak "sebaik"
DSLR tapi gambar2 sangat memuaskan terutama dalam cuaca terang dan baik.

(During that 6 month whenever I had the chance, I will walk around with camera and took pictures of birds and other things. I was using a Olympus Compact camera SP72oUZ, which has 30x zoom. It was a bit shaky compare to DSLR but it was still a great camera because of the zoom, which you can only get with an expensive DSLR lenses. So I was satisfied with the quality of the pictures, esp in good weather conditions. Sometimes I would borrow a DSLR camera from one of my friends who was using Nikon D5100)

Lagipun untuk mendapat zoom 30x, perlu lense DSLR yang panjang dan mahal.

Sambil2 tu saya pinjam kamera kawan saya, sebab dia baru beli DSLR.
Tak silap masa tu Nikon D5100.

Saya tak pasti nama burung2 ni...
(I am not sure these birds' names or species)

Ini antara gambar2 lain yg saya saje2 snap.
(Other pictures that I took.)

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