Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Burung cantik tak bekerjasama / Uncooperative beautiful bird

Lepas ni smua posting dalam blog saya tidak ada turutan lagi. Saya akan campur je mana2 yang saya rasa nak masukkan.

(From now on, my posts will not have any order or sequence of any event following anything. It will be just jumble and mix of whatever I feel like posting)

Yang ini masih lagi burung2 di Jepun.

(This post is still about birds in Japan)

Kebetulan pulak di belakang kilang (dalam kawasan kilang jugak), ada anak sungai, atau longkang yg macam sungai, tapi air dia sangat jernih. Di tepi2 dia ada pokok sakura..
Masa kita org pegi tu bulan Oktober, so baru nak masuk musim luruh dan pokok sakura biasa nye berbunga antara hujung bulan Mac - awal April.

(Just behind the factory there was a drain or small stream if you wish, that flows within the premise of the factory. So during break times, I would always went there hoping to see some strange birds and hoping to capture some great pictures. It was during beginning of the fall around Oct, and we stayed in Japan until Mar)


Ada nama atau species burung ni yang saya jumpa dalam internet. Kebanyakan saya dapat dari Dr Redzlan, bila saya email dia gambar burung, dia bagitau saya nama burung tu. Tq Dr Redzlan.

Kalau ada yang silap, bole bagitau.




Some of the birds names or species, I got by looking up on the internet while most of them I learned from Dr Redzlan.

If there are mistakes, please correct me and let me know. Tq

Ini lah burung yang saya kata tak bekerjasama.
Sangat cantik warnanya, tapi sangat susah nak amik gambar sbb dia asik lari. Saya rasa sejenis 'kingfisher' tp tak tau la.
Dan ini sahaja yg saya mampu.

This is the one, the little uncooperative beautiful bird. I believe it is a type of 'kingfisher' but I really not sure. It kept running and it was hard for me to get a good shot, and this was the best I got.

Akhir skali utk post ni, burung yang selalu datang kat sungai belakang kilang tu. Boleh kata hari2 ada. Egret kecil, atau Egret kaki kuning.

Last ones for this post is a bird that always there in the stream, almost everyday. The Little Egret aka Yello footed Egret.

Ok selamat

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